Tajweed & Tafseer Class
ECIC conducts weekly Tajweed and Tafseer class for sisters 11:00 am -1:00 pm
Learning how to read the Quran with proper Tajweed pronunciation can articulate the Arabic words in the Quran in their proper manner. Tafseer class helps students understand the meaning of verses of the Quran. Tafseer of the Quran is the most important science of Quran. All matters concerning the Islamic way of life are connected to it in one sense or another since the right application of Islam is based on proper understanding of the guidance from Allah.
About Us
East Cobb Islamic Center is a Muslim place of worship conforming to the ahl al-sunnah wa al-jamah. We do not subscribe to any one particular madhab, but defers to the Imam of the masjid in matters of worship. Here, you will find yourself welcomed regardless of your inclination.
Location and Address
East Cobb Islamic Center
1111 Braswell Rd.
Marietta, GA 30062